Sunday, August 27, 2006

Web Page Hosting As An Affiliate Partner Program

I have been an online marketer for some time and I have a strong opinion that in all online marketing " The Quality is The King ".

So it is if you are looking for web page hosting for your own affiliate business. It is the best to pick the best one.

Web page hosting is very important for a home business owner because the quality that comes from there has a direct influence on business results.

The technical quality is a must but I see the list of features, which are included in web page hosting service even more important.

I have prepared a list of features of a good web page hosting service in order to help people to pick the right service for themselves:

1.Web page hosting is so core part of every online marketing that I see it extremely important if the web page hosting company has a helpful, active and professional discussion forum.

A forum with thousands of members is a University of Online Marketing and will deliver online marketing strategies very fast to the members.

Good thing is that these strategies are mostly proven in the markets, which makes them very useful to other members.

Member can get help very fast 24/7 and meet the gurus of the business online. The attitude in these forums is that a member will always help another member.

Some have even become millionaires with online marketing and a member can get tips directly from these members too.

2. It is good if all setup and transfer fees will be included in the fixed monthly fee.

3. A good web page hosting service offers also some special tricks included in the monthly fee. Pop email accounts, mail lists/newsletters, autoresponders and email aliases are better to be " unlimited ".

4. Many special features don´t seem to be important as a separate item but when they will build a list of features we see that every item on that list has it´s importance.

Typical features are emails by web, site stats, mail manager, which should all be included in the fixed web page hosting monthly fee. Especially because if a home business owner has to buy these separately, they can be costly.

5. One very useful feature which a good web page hosting company has are sub-domains. They will effectively bring new markets and extra sales for a home business owner.

6. Search engine submission service is a nice extra tool, which should also be included in the monhtly fee. I see it necessary to submit the site at least over 100 search engines, including all major engines.

7. As an affiliate of web page hosting company, an affiliate can earn residual income month after month, because hosting is typically charged with monthly fees. A fair affiliate commission must be around 40 % from sales to be profitable for a reseller.

It is also important that all these resellers can utilize the forum in order to get tips how to market effectively. Ready made advertising material with banners and text ads must be available.

Before starting to promote a web page hosting company, it is useful to think whether the brand of the company is already wellknown and has a good image. That will help getting results sooner.

8. Affiliate commission payment should happen monthly or bi-monthly. This is for maintaining the affiliate motivation. The more often you get paid, the more you will try!

Selling web page hosting is very natural for home business owner - everybody needs it.

About the Author
Juhani Tontti is a proven online marketer and offers web page hosting business.Web page hosting offers good commissions!


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